
A Case Study of Curriculum Co-creation During a Seminar-Style Course for Senior Medical Students.






Opportunities to learn about education theory underpinning medical education are limited in both undergraduate and graduate medical education and predominantly focus on “student as teacher.” Key components of education theory relevant to medical education, including learning theory, curricular design, and assessment design, are rarely included in student-as-teacher training. Opportunities for medical students to co-create curricula with faculty are scarce.We present the case study of a month-long, seminar-style course titled, Applications and Foundations of Education in Medical Education. We describe the course, report student feedback, and identify the value of curriculum co-creation expressed in student reflections. The course was designed by a faculty member with formal medical education training; students co-created their own learning outcomes through self-selected articles and personal reflections on the topics: How do people learn; what is the best way to teach; what is a curriculum; and how should students be assessed?Forty-seven post-clinical students completed the course; 28 completed course evaluations. They strongly agreed that the class met its stated goals (4.89/5) and that faculty teaching (4.93/5) and supervision (4.93/5) were appropriate. Themes from student reflections expressed that the co-creation process was insightful about the profession itself, from the perspective of their own participation in learning how to become a member of the profession.This course offered a unique opportunity for medical students to learn medical education beyond the skill of teaching. The course allowed deep immersion into current literature and offered the chance to plan and execute one’s own learning.© The Author(s) under exclusive licence to International Association of Medical Science Educators 2023. Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law.

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