
Smartphone region-wise image indoor localization using deep learning for indoor tourist attraction.






Smart indoor tourist attractions, such as smart museums and aquariums, require a significant investment in indoor localization devices. The use of Global Positioning Systems on smartphones is unsuitable for scenarios where dense materials such as concrete and metal blocks weaken GPS signals, which is most often the case in indoor tourist attractions. With the help of deep learning, indoor localization can be done region by region using smartphone images. This approach requires no investment in infrastructure and reduces the cost and time needed to turn museums and aquariums into smart museums or smart aquariums. In this paper, we propose using deep learning algorithms to classify locations based on smartphone camera images for indoor tourist attractions. We evaluate our proposal in a real-world scenario in Brazil. We extensively collect images from ten different smartphones to classify biome-themed fish tanks in the Pantanal Biopark, creating a new dataset of 3654 images. We tested seven state-of-the-art neural networks, three of them based on transformers. On average, we achieved a precision of about 90% and a recall and f-score of about 89%. The results show that the proposal is suitable for most indoor tourist attractions.Copyright: © 2024 Hirokawa Higa et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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