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On the application of hybrid deep 3D convolutional neural network algorithms for predicting the micromechanics of brain white matter.






Material characterization of brain white matter (BWM) is difficult due to the anisotropy inherent to the three-dimensional microstructure and the various interactions between heterogeneous brain-tissue (axon, myelin, and glia). Developing full scale finite element models that accurately represent the relationship between the micro and macroscale BWM is however extremely challenging and computationally expensive. The anisotropic properties of the microstructure of BWM computed by building unit cells under frequency domain viscoelasticity comprises of 36 individual constants each, for the loss and storage moduli. Furthermore, the architecture of each unit cell is arbitrary in an infinite dataset.In this study, we extend our previous work on developing representative volume elements (RVE) of the microstructure of the BWM in the frequency domain to develop 3D deep learning algorithms that can predict the anisotropic composite properties. The deep 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithms utilizes a voxelization method to obtain geometry information from 3D RVEs. The architecture information encoded in the voxelized location is employed as input data while cross-referencing the RVEs’ material properties (output data). We further develop methods by incorporating parallel pathways, Residual Neural Networks and inception modulus that improve the efficiency of deep learning algorithms.This paper presents different CNN algorithms in predicting the anisotropic composite properties of BWM. A quantitative analysis of the individual algorithms is presented with the view of identifying optimal strategies to interpret the combined measurements of brain MRE and DTI.The proposed Multiscale 3D ResNet (M3DR) algorithm demonstrates high learning ability and performance over baseline CNN algorithms in predicting BWM tissue properties. The hybrid M3DR framework also overcomes the significant limitations encountered in modeling brain tissue using finite elements alone including those such as high computational cost, mesh and simulation failure. The proposed framework also provides an efficient and streamlined platform for implementing complex boundary conditions, modeling intrinsic material properties and imparting interfacial architecture information.Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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