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A novel classification algorithm for customer churn prediction based on hybrid Ensemble-Fusion model.






Nowadays, customer churn issues are becoming more and more important, which is one of the most important metrics for evaluating the health of a business it is difficult to measure success without measuring customer churn metrics. However, it has become a challenge for the industry to predict when customers are churning or preparing to churn and to take the necessary action at the critical time before they do. At the same time, how to keep the place of deep research on the 17 machine learning algorithms in 9 major classes of machine learning classics production is the first problem we are facing. Through customer churn deep research, we mentioned the Ensemble-Fusion model based on machine learning and introduced a smart intelligent system to help reduce the actual customer churn about the production. Comparing with most popular predictive models, such as the Support vector machine algorithm, Random Forest algorithm, K-Nearest-Neighbor algorithm, Gradient boosting algorithm, Logistic regression algorithm, Bayesian algorithm, Decision tree algorithm, and Neural network algorithm are applied to check the effect on accuracy, AUC, and F1-score. By comparing with 17 algorithms in 9 categories of machine learning classics, the data prediction accuracy of the Ensemble-Fusion model reaches 95.35%, AUC score reaches 91% and F1-Score reaches 96.96%. The experimental results show that the data prediction accuracy of the Ensemble-Fusion model outperforms that of other benchmark algorithms.© 2024. The Author(s).

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