
FP-GCN: Frequency Pyramid Graph Convolutional Network for Enhancing Pathological Gait Classification.






Gait, a manifestation of one’s walking pattern, intricately reflects the harmonious interplay of various bodily systems, offering valuable insights into an individual’s health status. However, the current study has shortcomings in the extraction of temporal and spatial dependencies in joint motion, resulting in inefficiencies in pathological gait classification. In this paper, we propose a Frequency Pyramid Graph Convolutional Network (FP-GCN), advocating to complement temporal analysis and further enhance spatial feature extraction. specifically, a spectral decomposition component is adopted to extract gait data with different time frames, which can enhance the detection of rhythmic patterns and velocity variations in human gait and allow a detailed analysis of the temporal features. Furthermore, a novel pyramidal feature extraction approach is developed to analyze the inter-sensor dependencies, which can integrate features from different pathways, enhancing both temporal and spatial feature extraction. Our experimentation on diverse datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach. Notably, FP-GCN achieves an impressive accuracy of 98.78% on public datasets and 96.54% on proprietary data, surpassing existing methodologies and underscoring its potential for advancing pathological gait classification. In summary, our innovative FP-GCN contributes to advancing feature extraction and pathological gait recognition, which may offer potential advancements in healthcare provisions, especially in regions with limited access to medical resources and in home-care environments. This work lays the foundation for further exploration and underscores the importance of remote health monitoring, diagnosis, and personalized interventions.

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