
High-throughput, high-resolution deep learning microscopy based on registration-free generative adversarial network.






We combine a generative adversarial network (GAN) with light microscopy to achieve deep learning super-resolution under a large field of view (FOV). By appropriately adopting prior microscopy data in an adversarial training, the neural network can recover a high-resolution, accurate image of new specimen from its single low-resolution measurement. Its capacity has been broadly demonstrated via imaging various types of samples, such as USAF resolution target, human pathological slides, fluorescence-labelled fibroblast cells, and deep tissues in transgenic mouse brain, by both wide-field and light-sheet microscopes. The gigapixel, multi-color reconstruction of these samples verifies a successful GAN-based single image super-resolution procedure. We also propose an image degrading model to generate low resolution images for training, making our approach free from the complex image registration during training data set preparation. After a well-trained network has been created, this deep learning-based imaging approach is capable of recovering a large FOV (~95 mm2) enhanced resolution of ~1.7 μm at high speed (within 1 second), while not necessarily introducing any changes to the setup of existing microscopes.

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