Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Deep-Learning Based Classification of Cystic Fibrosis Lung Changes in MRI.






Algorithms increasing the transparence and explain ability of neural networks are gaining more popularity. Applying them to custom neural network architectures and complex medical problems remains challenging. In this work, several algorithms such as integrated gradients and grad came were used to generate additional explainable outputs for the classification of lung perfusion changes and mucus plugging in cystic fibrosis patients on MRI. The algorithms are applied on top of an already existing deep learning-based classification pipeline. From six explain ability algorithms, four were implemented successfully and one yielded satisfactory results which might provide support to the radiologist. It was evident, that the areas relevant for the classification were highlighted, thus emphasizing the applicability of deep learning for classification of lung changes in CF patients. Using explainable concepts with deep learning could improve confidence of clinicians towards deep learning and introduction of more diagnostic decision support systems.

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