Combining hi-resolution scan mode with deep learning reconstruction algorithms in cardiac CT.






To investigate the impact of combining the high-resolution (Hi-res) scan mode with deep learning image reconstruction (DLIR) algorithm in CT. Two phantoms (Catphan600® and Lungman, small, medium, large size) were CT scanned using combinations of Hi-res/standard mode and high-definition (HD)/standard kernels. Images were reconstructed with ASiR-V and three levels of DLIR. Spatial resolution, noise and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were assessed. The radiation dose was recorded. The spatial resolution increased using Hi-res & HD. Image noise in the Catphan600® (69%) and the Lungman (10-70%) significantly increased when Hi-res & HD was applied. DLIR reduced the mean noise (54%). The CNR was reduced (64%) for Hi-res & HD. The radiation dose increased for both small (+70%) and medium (+43%) Lungman phantoms but decreased slightly for the large ones (-3%) when Hi-res was applied. In conclusion, the Hi-res scan mode improved the spatial resolution. The HD kernel significantly increased the image noise. DLIR improved the image noise and CNR and did not affect the spatial resolution.© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected].

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