Standardization of ultrasound images across various centers: M2O-DiffGAN bridging the gaps among unpaired multi-domain ultrasound images.






Domain shift problem is commonplace for ultrasound image analysis due to difference imaging setting and diverse medical centers, which lead to poor generalizability of deep learning-based methods. Multi-Source Domain Transformation (MSDT) provides a promising way to tackle the performance degeneration caused by the domain shift, which is more practical and challenging compared to conventional single-source transformation tasks. An effective unsupervised domain combination strategy is highly required to handle multiple domains without annotations. Fidelity and quality of generated images are also important to ensure the accuracy of computer-aided diagnosis. However, existing MSDT approaches underperform in above two areas. In this paper, an efficient domain transformation model named M2O-DiffGAN is introduced to achieve a unified mapping from multiple unlabeled source domains to the target domain. A cycle-consistent “many-to-one” adversarial learning architecture is introduced to model various unlabeled domains jointly. A condition adversarial diffusion process is employed to generate images with high-fidelity, combining an adversarial projector to capture reverse transition probabilities over large step sizes for accelerating sampling. Considering the limited perceptual information of ultrasound images, an ultrasound-specific content loss helps to capture more perceptual features for synthesizing high-quality ultrasound images. Massive comparisons on six clinical datasets covering thyroid, carotid and breast demonstrate the superiority of the M2O-DiffGAN in the performance of bridging the domain gaps and enlarging the generalization of downstream analysis methods compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. It improves the mean MI, Bhattacharyya Coefficient, dice and IoU assessments by 0.390, 0.120, 0.245 and 0.250, presenting promising clinical applications.Copyright © 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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