
Сell clusters isolation in glioblastomas and their functional and molecular characterization using new morphometric approaches.






Digital pathology has come a long way in terms of creating tools to improve existing diagnostic approaches. However, several pathology fields, such as neuropathology, are still characterized by low coverage from machine learning tools and neural network analysis, which may be due to the complexity of the internal cellular and molecular structure of the corresponding neoplasms, including glioblastomas.In the framework of this study, using advanced proprietary tools for obtaining images of histological slides and their deep morphometric analysis, we studied samples of 198 patients with glioblastoma with the selection of morphometric cell clusters. Also, cells of each cluster were isolated, and their proliferative, migratory, invasive activity, survival ability, aerobic glycolysis activity, and chemo- and radioresistance were studied.Four morphometric clusters were identified, including small-cell cluster, paracirculonuclear cluster, hypochromic cluster, and macronuclear cluster, which significantly differed in morphometric parameters and functional parameters. Hypochromic cluster cells demonstrated the highest proliferation activity; macronuclear cluster was the most active glucose consumer; paracirculonuclear cluster had the most prominent migratory and invasive activity and hypoxia resistance; small-cell cluster demonstrated predominantly average values of all parameters. Moreover, additional analysis revealed the presence of a separate subcluster of stem cell elements that correspond in their molecular properties to glioma stem cells and are present in all four clusters. It also turned out that several key molecular parameters of glioblastoma, such as mutational modifications in the EGFR, PDGFRA, and NF1 genes, along with the molecular GBM subtype, are significantly correlated with the identified cell clusters.Thus, the results represent an up-and-coming innovation in the practical field of digital pathology and fundamental questions of glioma carcinogenesis.Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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